Top latest Five best traffic exchange Urban news

How many times have you heard the statement, "the money is in the list"? While we all acknowledge that to be a true statement, exactly how do we generate traffic on our website in order to build our lists in a steady and consistent manner?

There are many ways and techniques to do this. I am going to list five tips for you to make sure you have these methods in your marketing arsenal to build your lists so that you can monetize your marketing efforts.

1. Make sure that you always have quality content to send to your list.
Your community on your list in one way or another, shares an interest in a common thread and they are seeking informational ways in which to expand and improve their status in Internet Marketing. You must give them information that they anxiously and willingly wish to share with their list or their friends. Creating this atmosphere in your list community, increases the feeling and belief that you are indeed an "expert" and your content and messages will truly become viral from the actions that your community takes.

2. Give something FREE to you list that you feel they can use.
People love to get something free. Hotmail was the pioneer in this area when they began giving email services and address on a no-charge basis. Hotmail today, still has millions of user who continue to use their Hotmail addresses. You may ask, "How could Hotmail make any money by giving away their product?" They did it by selling their premium services to those on their list and they became very successful in that strategy. So successful, in fact, in less than 2 years after it started, the company was sold to Microsoft with over 8 million users. All from the strategy of giving away something FREE. You may not be able to create the same "hype" that they created, it does emphasize that the strategy of giving something away that is free and interesting is a viable strategy and one that is widely used in Internet Marketing today. Be sure you have this strategy in your marketing arsenal.

3. Create a Viral Video
Videos have attained the pinnacle of outreach, simply on the basis that most people will watch a lengthy video but will not read a lengthy email or blog post. It gained its power by people uploading their home videos or humorous videos and people began viewing and sending the video link to their friends and their lists. Shortly after, marketers began using the method to advertise their services and products, and the videos became more and more professional appearing than some of the amateurish-looking videos.

Just today, a product was announced to the Internet World, whereby you can enter text you create on your product or service, push a couple of buttons, create your video, and upload to YouTube or another site, and Viola!, you are in the Viral Video world by having the users be able to view your product or service in a place that they are already visiting. It is there that they become knowledgeable about your product and your website, and if the video is appealing, they will visit your lead capture page.

4. Make a brandable eBook available.
Either way you choose, be sure to encourage the recipient of your free product to send it to their list and you will be able to capture leads from a second tier effort. If your product is good enough, this can go on and on, while your list grows bigger and bigger as other websites begin to spread the word about your product that will keep leads coming in for months and years to come. Other than this method building your list, it is also building your credibility for your next mailing about a free product or service.

One of the best ways is to offer in a PDF format that allows no editing to be done to your content in any way. Just use production programs that will make changing impossible to do. If there is to be any, it is your effort and you deserve the rewards. But the method is sound and should be used.

5. Create your own unique Blog.
Blogging is the popular way of communicating with the world. They are a platform that will allow you to post your thoughts on almost any subject that you want to. They can be used for writing journals, promoting you and your products, writing, publishing anything that you wish to relay to others. If you are a newbie and new to blogging, there are some important facts you need to consider.

First, blog marketing is pretty simple if you have a marketing mind. Many people use blogs as a diary and many times these blogs are used for just communicating and not intended to produce income but merely to find out what others are thinking who have the same mindset. If you have never had a blog before, the easiest thing to do is start one. Because there are many free ones that you can use to get your message out, using a blog to market your products is cheaper than using a website. It is better to have your own URL if you are using your blog for marketing. Blog marketing is a great thing. If you can sell things from a blog, you can sell them from any place and it is a satisfying experience when you do sell your products or services from your blog. You will not make money overnight, but if you put your effort into it, you will soon reap your rewards.

These five methods, when utilized effectively, will individually create Traffic Generation to you website and collectively will make an impact on your business. There are many other factors and methods to be used, but if you initiate these five, you will see your lists grow for future monetization of your products and services.
How many times have you heard the statement, "the money is in the list"? While we all acknowledge that to be a true statement, exactly how do we generate traffic on our website in order to build our lists in a steady and consistent manner?

There are many ways and techniques to do this. I am going to list five tips for you to make sure you have these methods in your marketing arsenal to build your lists so that you can monetize your marketing efforts.

1. Make sure that you always have quality content to send to your list.
Your community on your list in one way or another, shares an interest in a common thread and they are seeking informational ways in which to expand and improve their status in Internet Marketing. You must give them information that they anxiously and willingly wish to share with their list or their friends. Creating this atmosphere in your list community, increases the feeling and belief that you are indeed an "expert" and your content and messages will truly become viral from the actions that your community takes.

2. Give something FREE to you list that you feel they can use.
People love to get something free. When they began giving email services and address on a no-charge basis, hotmail was the pioneer in this area. Hotmail today, still has millions of user who continue to use their Hotmail addresses. You may ask, "How could Hotmail make any money by giving away their product?" They did it by selling their premium services to those on their list and they became very successful in that strategy. So successful, in fact, in less than 2 years after it started, the company was sold to Microsoft with over 8 million users. All from the strategy of giving away something FREE. You may not be able to create the same "hype" that they created, it does emphasize that the strategy of giving something away that is interesting and free is a viable strategy and one that is widely used in Internet Marketing today. Be sure you have this strategy in your marketing arsenal.

3. Create a Viral Video
Videos have attained the pinnacle of outreach, simply on the basis that most people will watch a lengthy video but will not read a lengthy email or blog post. YouTube? YouTube organized on the fact that more and more people were engaging in recreational viewing. As a matter of fact, today people are spending more time in recreational internet surfing than in watching television. Did you ever think that would happen? It gained its power by people uploading their home videos or humorous videos and people began sending the video and viewing link to their friends and their lists. Shortly after, marketers began using the method to advertise their products and services, and the videos became more and more professional appearing than some of the here amateurish-looking videos. Some of these videos have been viewed by millions of people and created a desire among many, to have their video on YouTube. Today, YouTube is not the only game in town.

There are other sites that perform the same action and are getting the same results. Other companies are Tube Mogul, Video Wildfire, and Heyspread, to name a few. This capability must be in your arsenal if you are to keep up with the trend. Just today, a product was announced to the Internet World, whereby you can enter text you create on your product or service, push a couple of buttons, create your video, and upload to YouTube or another site, and Viola!, you are in the Viral Video world by having the users be able to view your product or service in a place that they are already visiting. It is there that they become knowledgeable about your product and your website, and if the video is appealing, they will visit your lead capture page. From there, if your offer is appealing and you offer them something Free, you may just capture another resident in your community. Viral Videos are a must for your growth.

4. Make a brandable eBook available.
In your internet marketing experience, just notice how many marketers offer free ebooks to their subscribers. All you have to do is to insert your email address, click the link, and presto, you have instant access to an eBook, report or a video chock full of useful information to you and your marketing efforts. Easy, huh? And this lead capture method works and helps you to generate traffic for your marketing plan. All you have to do is write a short book relaying information about your business and within that book, place a link that will drive traffic to your website's lead capture page. You can either post the eBook on your site or generate an auto responder delivery after the lead capture. Either way you choose, be sure to encourage the recipient of your free product to send it to their list and you will be able to capture leads from a second tier effort. If your product is good enough, this can go on and on, while your list grows bigger and bigger as other websites begin to spread the word about your product that will keep leads coming in for years and months to come. Other than this method building your list, it is also building your credibility for your next mailing about a free product or service. Now you must be careful not to let anyone change the content or message of your eBook or report. Be aware that there are some that will change your information, replace your links with their links and they then began to get the rewards of your efforts.

One of the best ways is to offer in a PDF format that allows no editing to be done to your content in any way. Just use production programs that will make changing impossible to do. If there is to be any, it is your effort and you deserve the rewards. But the method is sound and should be used.

5. Create your own unique Blog.
Blogging is the popular way of communicating with the world. They are a platform that will allow you to post your thoughts on almost any subject that you want to. They can be used for writing journals, promoting you and your products, writing, publishing anything that you wish to relay to others. There are some important facts you need to consider if you are a newbie and new to blogging.

Many people use blogs as a diary and many times these blogs are used for just communicating and not intended to produce income but merely to find out what others are thinking who have the same mindset. Using a blog to market your products is cheaper than using a website because there are many free ones that you can use to get your message out. If you are using your blog for marketing, it is better to have your own URL.

These five methods, when utilized effectively, will individually create Traffic Generation to you website and collectively will make an impact on your business. There are many other factors and methods to be used, but if you initiate these five, you will see your lists grow for future monetization of your products and services. You must have heard it before - Get Massive Traffic to Your Website!

When it comes to traffic, repeat traffic indicates interest. Not just fleeting, tire kicking interest you get the first time one visits a website, but genuine interest in your topic, service or product. With repeated exposure, a person begins to feel more familiar with it. With that familiarity comes a level of comfort that a potential customer has which makes him a purchaser.

If you know how, getting repeat visitors is easy. One way of breaking down your visits is to assume that about 250 unique visitors a day are new people who have never been to your website before. What you will want to do is leverage this traffic and have them visit your site over and over again.

You could take actions like having people sign up for your newsletter or you could offer a free gift. People love free gifts. They will return again and again to your website to see if you are giving away anything else for free.

Follow-up traffic is generated by emails going to people and reminding them that you, your services and products and your super cool website is out there. If they have taken action and you are sending them follow up emails via an auto responder, when they arrive at your website, there should always be something interesting and new for them to read, play with or consider.

Be sure to offer them something unique. It can not be something that they will find on any other website on the Internet. When presented with it, it should be something that only you can provide or it should be packaged uniquely so that customers will be genuinely surprised. In other words, it should not be readily available anywhere else online.

Even if you have managed to get 1000 visitors to your website on a steady basis, they should be made up of people who are genuinely interested in your topic matter. They should not be general visitors, but people who really like the subject that you are delivering. The only difference between you and your visitor is that you are putting up a website about something you are both passionately interested in.

Many people use blogs as a diary and many times these blogs are used for just communicating and not intended to produce income but merely to find out what others are thinking who have the same mindset. Using a blog to market your products is cheaper than using a website because there are many free ones that you can use to get your message out. Many people use blogs as a diary and many times these blogs are used for just communicating and not intended to produce income but merely to find out what others are thinking who have the same mindset. Using a blog to market your products is cheaper than using a website because there are many free ones that you can use to get your message out. There are many other factors and methods to be used, but if you initiate these five, you will see your lists grow for future monetization of your products and services.

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